Mantra for the cure of diseases:


Write the following Mantra on a piece of paper for 108 times and keep it in the right hand of the patient. The patient will be cured of the disease which he is suffering from.

Mantra for the cure of diseases - Vedicfolks

Mantra for the Cure of Diseases

Om Namo Arahanthaanam, Namo Siddhaanam,

Namo Aayariyaanam, Namo Uvajhaayaanam,

Namo Loye Savva – sahoonam ||

Om Namo Bhagavafi Suyade Dhyaanavaara

Sang Ev Yanaa, Jananeeye Sararoo ||

Om Namo Bhagavadi Suya Deva Yaaye Savva

SuyeMayaa – eneeya Sara Ssayeeye Savva Yaayini Savva Vanoo||

Sadr Ye Savva – Vaayeeni Savva – naa – vanoo ||

Om Avatara Avatara Devee Mama Sareeram Pravisa

Pucchham Thassa Pavissam Savva Janamaya Hariye ||

Arhantha Siriye Parame Sariye Swaahaa ||


Chant the above Mantra To cure all kinds of diseases. Also Dhanvantri Homam and Mrityunjaya Homam helps to get releif from health problems.