Ganesha Mantra

Ganesha is the power of knowledge, success and fulfillment. Ganesha is known in different forms and by a number of names, and some of the names are Ganapati, Vignesha, Pillayar, Vinayak, Ekadenta, Lambodara, Gajanana. Ganesha Mantra is very powerful mantra to reach Lord Ganesha. Ganesha Mantra, when chanted with earnest devotion gives positive results and it helps to reduce the sins in life.

Dhyana Mantra


Kharva Sthulatanum Gajendrabadanam Lambodaram sundaram

Prasyandanmada Gandhalu bdhamadhupa Vyalolaganadastalam

Dantaghata Vidaritari Rudhirai Sindoorashobhakaram

Vande Sailasutasutam Ganapatim Siddhipradam Kamadam ||

Saptakshari Mantra


Om Ganesaya Namah||

How to Organize Maha Ganapathy Homam

To perform Maha Ganapathy homam, one should progress a leading Vedic firm for getting desired outputs. Vedicfolks is a reputed Vedic consulting company which helps to conduct this homam. Vedic priests and scholars will chant the mantras along with fire rituals to get positive energies on the body. Online support is also available for booking the homam in advance.

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